Day 016 - Day trip to Bryce Canyon National Park
Last night we stayed at a campground, and while we weren't in a tent we still got to wake up early and be outside. I think that is one of my favorite things. Waking up early and being outside before the rest of the world is awake. Taking some time to see the sun rise and hear the birds chirp. This morning I had about 30 minutes before Cooper joined me. Apparently I am a bit of a snore-er. I think that my nocturnal noises bring comfort to him, and when he can't hear me anymore he wakes up... because inevitably shortly after I wake up he comes and finds me. We had some great conversations and I was marveling at how smart he is. He wa telling me all sorts of things that he knows and sometimes he just blows my mind.
We packed up our stuff and headed north. Packing up and driving every day is not easy. I'm sure that eventually I'd get used to it, but there is a certain amount of stress involved.
We drove up and over and then down into Bryce Canyon. Before you get to Bryce Canyon you get to drive thru Red Canyon which is pretty cool. There are two arches that you drive under, we called them elephants, which I'm sure isn't original because that is what the arches look like.
The canyon is massive. Sadly we didn't get out and do any hiking. Remember that headache that I was hoping would go away and never come back again... I was not so lucky. I can't exactly take my migraine medicine because it knocks me out and you know, sleep and driving don't mix. We did hop out at a few of the viewpoints and took pictures. The kids were good sports about it all.
We got to our hotel and we will be at this one for a few days. The pool is open, we don't have to wear masks, and it's so good to see people's smiling faces again!!
I wonder if the headache is from the change in elevation. I’m not sure how high you were at other places but if I remember right, Hurricane was about 3,000ft. Where we are moving, Prescott AZ, it’s at 5000ft elevation. I have thick blood so it helps if I donate blood twice a year. I think living at higher elevation will help too but that’s only speculation.